Team Development

Teams, before you even start working together, are filled with independent, critical thinking people from different cultures, backgrounds, expectations and understandings. It is a miracle teams function at all! All of us work with people we wouldn’t normally choose to work with or for if we were really honest. Yet that is the wonder of the human spirit, because despite our differences we want to try to work together but often chance to luck that it will just happen.
All is well when it goes well but when it doesn’t teams, productivity, attitudes can change and quickly often with some devastating results. At Semezana our focus is on creating a communication culture that provides the solid foundation for all teams to work through issues, both good and bad. Building a consensus around clear team principles but allowing individual freedom to challenge constructively is the foundation of a great team.
With ever increasing resource and time pressures, people in their business roles are requiring greater skills to meet company targets and motivate themselves and their teams.

Development offerings include:
- Assessing Team Functioning
- Developing a Team Charter and Communication Plan
- Team Alignment
- Team Integration
- Team Reorganisation
- Team Motivation
- Team Renovation
- Team Thankyou Days
- Running Virtual Teams
- Delivering Sensitive News
- Defining and Aligning Roles and Responsibilities
- Implementing a Mentorship Approach
- Team Behaviours
- Encouraging controlled confrontation
We have worked with teams of all sizes – teams as small as 3 to teams of over 400, both indoors and outdoors, abroad and in the UK.
Quotes from clients:

Very experienced trainer – kept the team engaged during the two days

You created just the right amount of controlled conflict that helped us deal with the elephants in the room. It was sobering but enormously helpful in giving everyone a safe platform to speak up. A long way to go for the team but a corner turned. Thank you.

It has been a difficult year but you managed to energise the team and involve them in a way that reignited some sparks. Already there is a different feel to our meetings

Well done. You kept the balance really well allowing everyone their say and input. Some very clear actions to work on into which we have all committed